What happens during the Museum’s closure? ⓘ
During the LaM’s closure, a wide variety of activities will be organised across the Metropolitan area and region. An offsite programme will enable the Museum to develop and test out new forms of mediation.
Part of the collection will be packing its bags and travelling across the region as well as outside France!
These various projects on presentation of works from the collection are integral to the LaM’s policy on international partnerships, with the aim of showcasing its collection beyond our borders.

Transformations already underway 🏛
After a year spent celebrating the Museum’s fortieth birthday, it’s time for the team to pack up and open a new chapter in the LaM’s life! After all, a museum evolves in 40 years. As a living institution, it has undergone changes and, as with any other building, renovation operations have become necessary. Meeting environmental and heritage conservation challenges, the project aims in particular to improve your reception and visit comfort, the Museum and its Park’s accessibility and visibility, and energy optimisation of its buildings.
Renovation work will start in spring 2024 with total closure of the Museum and Sculpture Park as from October.
→ This new phase of work is part of a renovation plan initiated by Lille European Metropolis and the LaM several years ago. Previous operations, for example, have enabled a 27.35% reduction in electricity consumption thanks to replacing the lighting in some areas with LEDs and modernisation of its ventilation systems.
→ More recently, the Museum’s Sculpture Park and its immediate surroundings were subjected to extensive work designed to facilitate access to the Museum by visitors with disabilities or arriving by public transport, as well as densify vegetation with replanting of 68 grey poplars, 12 trees at the entrance to the Park, and 2,200 perennials on the shores of Saint-Jean Lake.
Coming by car
Prendre l'autoroute Paris-Gand (A1/A22/N227)
Sortie 5 ou 6 Flers / Château / Musée d’art moderne
Coming by public transportation

Métro ligne 1 - Station Pont de Bois
+ Bus Liane 6, direction Villeneuve d'Ascq Contrescarpe
ou Bus ligne 32, direction Wasquehal Jean-Paul Sartre
Arrêt L.A.M.
Métro ligne 2 - Station Fort de Mons
+ Bus Liane 6, direction Villeneuve d'Ascq Contrescarpe
Arrêt L.A.M.
Métro ligne 2 - Station Jean Jaurès
+ Bus ligne 32, direction Villeneuve d'Ascq Hôtel de Ville
Arrêt L.A.M.
Coming by cycling
Un parking à vélo vous est proposé à l'entrée du parc du musée
La carte « La MEL à Vélo », édition 2017-2018, vous informe sur les aménagements cyclables, stations V'lille, itinéraires conseillés... Élément indispensable à mettre dans toutes les sacoches, elle réunit l'ensemble des informations dont vous pouvez avez besoin lors de votre trajet en vélo
Coming by foot
L'entrée principale du LaM est située en contrebas du parking P8, à proximité immédiate du rond-point situé au bout de l'allée du Musée
Deux parkings publics (non surveillés) sont disponibles pour garer vos véhicules :
- le parking P7 (dit Des moulins, véhicules de + de 1,8 m)
- le parking P8 (hauteur maxi : 1,8 m), à proximité immédiate de l'entrée principale du musée, mais de moindre capacité que le P7
Pour les bus, un dépose-minute est situé sur l'avenue de Canteleu
Disabled access
Les emplacements de parking réservés P.M.R. se situent juste avant le rond-point de l’allée du Musée, face au pavillon d’entrée du LaM